Monday, July 20, 2009

Run DB2 Express-C on IBM Developer Cloud

IBM has just launched the Develop and Test on the IBM Developer Cloud site. Right now this is a free service where you can sign up and create virtual machine instances of IBM products like DB2 Express-C running in the cloud (i.e. on the internet).

So, if you want to set up a new DB2 server in a couple minutes, just mosey over to the IBM Developer Cloud, register, and instantiate a machine or two. You'll then be able to access it like any other copy of DB2:
- via DB2 command line
- from Data Studio
- from your PHP or Rails web application
- remotely via SSH
- etc.

Very handy.

On Windows, I personally like to use PuTTY for SSH and WinSCP for SCP and SFTP (basically, FTP over SSH).

Using DB2 Express-C on IBM Developer Cloud from ChannelDB2 on Vimeo.


Leons Petrazickis
DB2 Express-C Community Team


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