- Adding support for query time out.
- Fixing problem with DATE/TIME datatype.
- i5/OS Add new attribute DB2_I5_JOB_SORT_ON/OFF (php.ini ibm_db2.i5_job_sort).
- i5/OS Fix BIGINT string type to help with larger values.
- i5/OS Fix "early" terminate fetch loops due to CLOB/BLOB zero length.
- i5/OS Fix db2_pclose() to allow reset persistent connections.
On Windows, you should go to the DB2 Technology Explorer download site and grab a build of the extension that matches your PHP 5.3 installation. Unfortunately, PHP on Windows is available in four different official flavours, so you need a build of the extension that matches your flavour in terms of VC6 versus VC9 and threadsafe versus non-threadsafe (nts).
On Linux, you should make sure you have pecl installed in your package manager and then run:
pecl install ibm_db2
You'll need gcc along with DB2 headers for this. If you do not have a local copy of DB2, you can install the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI intead.
Leons Petrazickis
DB2 Express-C Community Team