The International DB2 User Group (IDUG) is running the
Do You DB2? contest through June 15, 2010. Prizes include WiFi-enabled Vizio HDTV and Apple iPad.
To enter, go to
the contest site and submit a short piece about any of the following topics:
- Your stories about how just how easy to use you find DB2.
- Your experience with one or more SQL compatibility features in DB2 9.7
- Comparison of specific features of DB2 and other database vendors (such as data compression, XML data storage, security, autonomics etc.)
- Your experience with the performance, scalability or high availability of DB2.
- Your assessment of cost or risk of migrating from another database vendor to DB2.
- Your past or current experience with the DB2 maintenance and support given by IBM.
- Your accounts of how you’ve been a hero in evangelizing DB2 at your workplace. The proof points you’ve used and how you’ve gone about convincing senior management that DB2 is the right choice.
- Your stories about how you were able to gain from DB2’s worldwide community, forums, events or education.
Submissions are rated based on originality, persuasiveness, and inclusion of quantitative metrics.
Leons Petrazickis
DB2 Express-C Community Team