To enter, go to the contest site and submit a short piece about any of the following topics:
- Your stories about how just how easy to use you find DB2.
- Your experience with one or more SQL compatibility features in DB2 9.7
- Comparison of specific features of DB2 and other database vendors (such as data compression, XML data storage, security, autonomics etc.)
- Your experience with the performance, scalability or high availability of DB2.
- Your assessment of cost or risk of migrating from another database vendor to DB2.
- Your past or current experience with the DB2 maintenance and support given by IBM.
- Your accounts of how you’ve been a hero in evangelizing DB2 at your workplace. The proof points you’ve used and how you’ve gone about convincing senior management that DB2 is the right choice.
- Your stories about how you were able to gain from DB2’s worldwide community, forums, events or education.
Leons Petrazickis
DB2 Express-C Community Team
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